Localization for Non-Localization Professionals

McDonald’s, Subway, KFC, Starbucks, and Burger King are the biggest fast-food restaurant chains in the world. And localization plays an enormous role in their success. Each adjusts its menu for local tastes. Marketing campaigns are specific to the culture of each country where it operates. The brands are global but the consumer experience is local. […]

McDonald’s, Subway, KFC, Starbucks, and Burger King are the biggest fast-food restaurant chains in the world. And localization plays an enormous role in their success. Each adjusts its menu for local tastes. Marketing campaigns are specific to the culture of each country where it operates. The brands are global but the consumer experience is local. They have different versions of their websites and apps for every country, with different content and design.

The impact of localization is everywhere, whether you realize it or not.

What Is Localization?

Localization is adapting content, products, or services to a specific market’s language, culture, and needs. It includes text, visuals, and videos for print and digital content and campaigns. And it involves offering products or services relevant, and in some cases, unique, to each local market.

The goal of localization is to make your brand feel homegrown. Instead of just translating text, your content and campaigns look like they were uniquely written and designed for each local audience.

Benefits of Localization

English is spoken by around 1.5 billion people worldwide, making it the most common language. English is also the most used language on the internet, representing 6 out of 10 websites. However, with a global population of around 8 billion, these websites reach only 20% of internet users.

A study by CSA Research revealed that:

Localization can address the needs of the vast majority of consumers and internet users to consume content and transact online in their native language. And it likewise benefits businesses in several ways:

Localization vs. Translation

Localization (L10N) goes beyond translation. While translation is part of the localization process, they are not the same.

Translation is converting text from one language to another. If you have used a tool like Google Translate, you know translations aren’t always perfect. However, machine translation tools such as DeepL and Microsoft Translator are fast, cost-effective ways to translate language pairs. Localization teams and language service providers (LSPs) augment machine translation with professional translators to correct translation mistakes.

Localization takes translation to the next level. It considers local context, cultural nuances, linguistic differences, and legal requirements. Some elements localization addresses include:

Simply translating and not localizing content can lead to misunderstanding and a lack of resonance. Worse, the wrong translation or inappropriate imagery can be deemed insensitive or offensive.

What Is Globalization?

Globalization (G11N) is the concept of expanding to and operating in different markets worldwide. It is the business strategy that drives the need for localization. Globalization involves strategic activities, such as:

What Is Internationalization?

Once a brand decides to pursue a globalization strategy, the next step is to perform internationalization (I18N) before rolling out its localization process. Internationalization is preparing the codebase of your website, software, and apps to support multiple languages and formats.

Instead of manually translating and localizing every language, currency, number, layout, and other elements, internationalization sets up source files and code to automatically display the correct text and other elements for each target market.

Internationalization involves:

Localization Process

After the prep work of internationalization, translation and localization can commence. This involves several steps:

Work With Welocalize

Global brands can expand their international reach faster if they work with an LSP for their global growth and localization projects. Welocalize offers professional translation and localization services for over 525 language combinations.

With a global network of more than 250,000 linguists, reviewers, and subject matter experts, we can handle any volume and speed. Our language professionals are in-country, native-level speakers with certified experience or advanced degrees in linguistics.

Contact us to start a conversation on how we can help you with your localization requirements.