AI in Action | Chapter 5

Innovation With Purpose

We live in an AI-driven content transformation era that is changing how we create, manage, and localize content.

The rise of AI in content creation has led to misconceptions, conflicting information, and an overall lack of clarity.

The truth is AI and human intelligence work best together.

AI technologies are fundamentally transforming translation workflows. Find out how.

Data annotation isn’t just a checkbox task. It requires a skilled workforce and the ability to think beyond the label.

Two case studies demonstrating our commitment to the strengths of AI and human intelligence to achieve streamlined processes.

At Welocalize, we are committed to AI’s responsible and ethical development for localization and content transformation. We believe that when harnessed responsibly, AI can be a powerful tool for fostering global communication and understanding.

We envision a future of content transformation and localization powered by a synergistic integration of technology and human expertise. This approach leverages the strengths of AI and human intelligence to achieve streamlined processes, high-quality localization, and translation of massive volumes of content at scale.

“The field wants one place to go localize marketing content. They want one experience, one review process, one tool… and so the center of gravity for us is Welocalize.”

A tech giant’s manual localization process, reliant on spreadsheets and copy-pasting, couldn’t keep up with its growing global marketing needs. Challenges included managing an extensive network of reviewers and authors, version control issues due to manual content movement, and a slow and expensive process overall.

The company achieved significant improvements:

  • Increased automation: The client eliminated the need to cut and paste strings in and out of its marketing software.
  • More personalized content: It can now provide relevant marketing content at the right time.
  • Increased efficiency: The company delivers fresh, localized content to a global audience every four weeks.
  • More sales leads: These changes dramatically increased new leads (433%) and qualified sales pipeline (42%).

A global distributor of electronic components previously relied on manual processes for localization, which involved multiple teams and email communication. This led to several issues: slow turnaround times, lack of project visibility, limited control over translation costs, and inefficient use of design resources.

Welocalize integrated its cloud-based translation management system with the client’s marketing automation software to address these challenges. This solution brought significant improvements:

  • Increased transparency: The client gained real-time visibility into all localization projects globally.
  • Improved efficiency: Reliance on the design team dropped by half due to integration with marketing automation tools.
  • Cost savings: Analytics provided insights into current spending and helped with budget planning. Translation memory also contributed to cost reduction.
  • Enhanced quality: In-context review ensured higher campaign quality.
  • Faster turnaround: The entire translation-design-approval cycle was streamlined with a 20% reduction in time.